Friday, April 4, 2008

Recover Lost Data from CD and DVD Media

Have you just a perfectly fine looking disc into your computer, only to find out that the PC is not on the files? Is your computer not to read a file from d & 39; rewritable media?
CDRoller of Digital Atlantic Corp. ( reads the media unreadable, and d & 39; access to & 39; inaccessibility or damaged files.
Sometimes you scratch A disc, and sometimes they are due to the poor conditions for the storage, or even their age. You could of a bad disc with a CD or DVD created or non-standard or misconfigured CD / DVD mastering software. Low quality of the media is also common. The CDs can be cheap, but they are still not even sure reads the data on the CD / DVD burners with which they were stored, and worse on different drives.
If you try to copy files from the damaged this Data sources & l; 39; help of the Windows Explorer & 39;, you have more opportunities N & 39; nothing. Your PC can even freeze for a moment, trying d & 39; access to data readable. Restoring files with an expensive service for the recovery of data has been devoted to the only available option, up to & 39; very recently.
CDRoller n & 39; does not use standardized methods for & 39; access by the media damaged. Instead, he takes the CD and DVD directly from the surface through digitization lane track and the search for lost data and files deleted. CDRoller recognizes most popular CD and DVD authoring software like Roxio, Ahead Nero Burning ROM, Sonic, and access the data directly, rather than standard Windows routines.
Even if your hard disk is damaged or scratched physically, CDRoller can -- Be still in a position to save your important data files. It scans the surface of the disks into the depths and re-created directory structure and file, you can transfer files, you believe, lost forever.
Every now, and you could even with a hard, & 39; s is not recognize from your PC to all. This can lead to extreme & 39;, data loss, but it could also actually nothing wrong with the hard disk itself. It may be that the CD or DVD & 39; n is simply not to be viewed from a PC. He can act & 39; nd & 39; a movie DVDs, with a camcorder, d & 39; TV or by the host, with a single DVD recorder, or even a photo CD, with a Sony CD Mavica digital camera. Normally, you are not in a position to take CDs on your PC. But what if you want more, that the films or photos from your computer?
CDRoller most stand-alone DVD recorders, camcorders and digital cameras. They will be back in a position to the video into DVD standard MPEG files that are ready to play back with Windows Media Player, and the copy of digital photos in your photo albums on its own if no PC.
Even your hard drive are bad During this time, this has a purpose, to ensure that & 39; n & 39, they are no problems, and you will be able to read your important data tomorrow, with so much success that Today & 39; hui. Sometimes, you can use a file without visible problems, but Windows, in fact, trying hard to read that the hard drive, particularly by slowing the reader or re-reading the same file multiple & 39; up to the, what & 39; He receives the data correctly.
CDRoller heard a great CD / DVD-testers, the integrity scans your media and the reports on how any problems or doubts in bed repeatedly attempted to a file to read. And just in case you need a disk to burn or delete a re-Recordable, CDRoller is also equipped with a rack-and CD / DVD burners eraser.
CDRoller data is available free for download d & 39 ; assessment. Get your copy now in or read what others have to say on how they saved their lives, the important data when visiting the Htm / success.html
About Author: Paul Goldenberg. 43 years. Head of technical services in Digital Atlantic Corp. for 20 years & 39; experience in the programming of all kinds of computers, the production of commercial products for the PC and embedded systems.

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